Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"Focus on being productive instead of busy." Tim Ferriss


We're going to finish the quotes on FOCUS this month.

For me, this quote from Tim Ferriss is powerful. There are many ways to say this...

"Learn to say NO"

"It's not what you say YES to that matters, it's what you say NO to."

"If the devil can't make you BAD he'll make you BUSY"

Ferriss is simply reminding us that being busy isn't the goal. It's finding alignment: Vision - Priorities - Goals - Focus... that get us where we need to be.

My son shared the Tim Ferriss book with me, The-4 Hour Work Week, while he was in college. I hadn't followed Ferriss, but I dove into his book which just affirmed some things that were important in my life:

  • The idea that my best results come from about 20% of my efforts (80/20 Principle)

  • The idea that a traditional work schedule doesn't have to be the only way to achieve my goals. If I would learn to work smarter on the most important things, I would achieve my goals faster.

  • The idea of a "lifestyle design" to my life, where I'm not working so I can enjoy my retirement years, I'm working and enjoying life along the way. It's not a deferred plan.

These ideas challenged me, and were backed up in my Kingdom Calling, which is what I believe God has put me on the earth to do!

We often measure peoples success with their level of being busy instead of being effective.

While the tagline of Ferriss' book sounds like it provides a way for you to "work less, travel the world, and get wealthy", the book is really about focus and while all of concepts aren't applicable to everyone, there are some really good thoughts that come out of this that will get you thinking.

How do you use the power of "NO" to keep you focused on your priorities, and not just being busy?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"I don't focus on what I'm up against. I focus on my goals and try to ignore the rest." Venus Williams


We're talking about FOCUS this month.

This quote from the tennis legend Venus Williams is so appropriate for all of us.

I fall prey to this so often... When I'm overwhelmed, I tend to focus on what is coming at me or what seems to be the most urgent instead of staying true to the priorities and goals that I've defined as being the most important.

It's the Tyranny of the Urgent and this is the opposite of FOCUS... it's DISTRACTION.

Here are 3 tips to keep your GOALS in front of you:

#1) Literally, PUT THEM IN FRONT OF YOU.

Print them out, put them in your journal, stick them to your mirror. Be reminded of them regularly simply because you can easily see them.


When you look at the day or week ahead of you, make appointments with yourself to work on your goals. Carve time out and protect it in your schedule. If you don't, it's impossible to move on them!


Invite some people close to you to ask you about your goals, to encourage you with your goals and to hold you accountable. Knowing that someone is going to ask you is the greatest form of accountability!

If you can do this, it's a practical step towards focus as you keep them front and center in your life and schedule, it will make it more difficult to abandon them.

Are you doing any of these three things? Why not all three?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus." Bruce Lee


We're talking about FOCUS this month.

I woke up this morning, saw this quote from Bruce Lee, and found it to be a a great challenge for today and all the tasks I have in front of me, but it's also a great reminder that being focused will help me navigate the chaos and the lists of things I have before me today.

I don't know what your day looks like today, but I'm having to make constant decisions about what I'm going to allocate time and energy towards. I realize that it's not just a "busy season", but this is my life!

There is really good stuff to get done, and I have to manage my life to the best of my abilities in order to get it all done!


The definition of focus is simple:

"A point of concentration; directed attention; emphasis"

I want to encourage you today to spend some time thinking about what optimal focus looks like In your life. Maybe start by answering these questions:

  • When I feel fully focused, it makes me feel.......

  • When I struggle with distraction, I can re-focus by......

  • When others thing I'm not focused, my typical response is....

I've found that being FOCUSED is a really personal thing and it looks different for everyone.

What do you see other people do that helps them focus better?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"Focus is the art of knowing what to ignore." James Clear


Happy New Year to you!

I took a couple of weeks off of writing this weekly post, and now I'm back.

Someone asked me recently why I write this weekly post. Here was my response...

"I write because I constantly want to challenge myself to think, to process, and to grow. This weekly journal is an act of discipline in my life where I want to push myself to pause for a little bit and contemplate a thought, an idea, a quote, a theme. I began sharing this with you years after I began doing it for myself. If you find this helpful, wonderful! If you don't, that's fine too! I started sending this to a small leadership community I was involved with for years called Leader Mundial. It was a way to connect weekly with them (you) and encourage you to always be thinking! The list has grown beyond that Community now. I write because it's a way for me to process together. I don't write because I have the answers or am an expert.

I welcome the many comments, questions, suggestions and resources that you send me regularly."

This year, I'm working to write less content, pose more questions, and to keep this weekly appointment at a 10 minute or less pause in your day.

What regular rhythms do you have in your life/work life that feed you, challenge you, encourage you on a regular basis?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"If it's a priority you'll find a way. If it isn't, you'll find an excuse." Jim Rohn


This is my last post for this 2024 year, and I'll close with this simple thought on priorities that kinds of wraps it all up.

Jim Rohn says it so well that you'd can't argue with it....priorities are what you focus on to accomplish. Everything else is extra.

It's easy to get tired of excuses, but the reality is that the excuse is simply helping to defining the priority.

Think about your current priorities:

  • Do you find yourself constantly thinking about them?

  • Do you make time to work on them in your schedule?

  • Do you feel pressure to focus and accomplish them?

  • Is it hard to turn your brain off and think about something else?

Yes, priorities can be obsessive. That's why it's a priority.

In fact, the definition of priority is this:

"A thing that is regarded as more important than another"

Stop making excuses for having priorities. This is a good thing. You just need to learn how to communicate them to those around you.

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Stephen Covey


This quote might hit a little close to home, but there's some hard truth in this.

We've gotten used to simply saying that we're busy, and we believe that. We run from one thing to another, and we blame work, relationships, our family or any other number of things. We actually blame others for the fact that we're busy.

However, it's not a matter of being busy. It's a matter of priorities. We make choices everyday based on our priorities.

This might include the people we want to spend time with, the events we choose to participate In and many other obligations.

Yes, sometimes things are pressed on us, but I would argue that the number of things that we are "forced to do" doesn't compare with the freedom we have over our lives and our schedule.

We're in the Christmas Season, and we're already grumbling about our schedules and the chaos of the season.


Take a deep breath and make some decisions based on what's important to you, now because of everyone else's expectations.

Now, before you cancel on that Christmas Party you really don't want to go to, realize that we do have obligations and there are things that we "need to do", but don't let those dominate your life and your schedule.

Find balance.

As you look at the next 2 weeks, what's ONE THING that is a priority to you that you really want to incorporate into your life and schedule?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Stephen Covey


It's December, the last month of 2024. Over the past few months we've talked about INFLUENCE, VISION, and STRATEGY. I thought I'd end the year with a few quotes on the topic of PRIORITIES.

You can read past blogs HERE.

This is a "classic Covey quote". If you've read any of his books or heard him speak in the past, he talks a lot about priorities.

I remember reading his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in graduate school, and I had never heard or understood the concept Covey lays out in his 3rd Habit: Put First Things First.

The simple idea of Quadrant II Leadership is all about priorities. Covey talks about how we allow urgent and not important things to get in the way of the things that are really important, and these things are classified as Important and Not Urgent.

Most of us live in Quadrant I which is full of Urgent and Important things, but it's often driven by crisis and problems which results in stress and burn-out.

Read the book. He explains it so much better.

Quadrant II living is a life where priorities help you focus on aspects of prevention, proactive problem solving, relationship building and planning.

As to Covey's quote above? He's saying that if we aren't guided by priorities, we'll be guided by our schedule.

How do you handle priorities in your life and do they make it to your schedule first?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"What if today, we were just grateful for everything?" Charlie Brown


This week, as we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States, I simply want to pause to not only reflect on all that I'm thankful for, but to actively be about thanking God for his goodness and others for their gracious generosity in my life.

"Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (MSG)

Today, be grateful for everything! And then again tomorrow, and the day after that.

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