Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"Community is the fruit of our capacity to make the interests of others more important than our own." Henri J.M. Nouwen


This month I want to explore some quotes and ideas around the theme of COMMUNITY. This is a topic I've been thinking a lot about lately, and as I explored some thoughts on it I drove me deeper. To see past themes and blog posts, visit my website HERE.

This is a powerful quote from Dr. Dean Ornish. As we talk about the importance of Community, these words just resonate.

Ornish also said this:

"Group is about connection, not correction. We do not need to be fixed. We need to feel loved."

We all long to belong to something. A place where we feel safe. A place where we feel valued. A place where we're missed if we don't show up. A place where we're accepted for who we are.

This is a fundamental need in each of our lives.

However we've also seen the unhealthy side of Community: jealousy, bitterness, competition, fake flattery, posing, hiding out, disengaged connection and emotional restraint.

I don't have a need for that kind of Community, even though there is plenty of opportunity to be a part of that.

Do you have real Community? Is it meeting your fundamental needs?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"Community is the fruit of our capacity to make the interests of others more important than our own." Henri J.M. Nouwen


This month I want to explore some quotes and ideas around the theme of COMMUNITY. This is a topic I've been thinking a lot about lately, and as I explored some thoughts on it I drove me deeper. To see past themes and blog posts, visit my website HERE.

The quote above from Henri Nouwen is just worded so well. I love that idea, "Community is the fruit of our capacity...", the idea that Community is so sweet, so wonderful, so important, when we approach from an unselfish perspective.

I don't know about you, but there are Communities that I'm connected with that I often approach for what I can get out of them as opposed to what I can contribute. Sometimes it's my church, sometimes it's with friends and sometimes it's with an organization I'm serving, but I've learned that it's really easy to allow my own personal needs and interests to become my "agenda", and this is wrong.

I need to approach each of these Communities from a different perspective, a perspective of what are the interests of others, and how can I make sure that people are being heard and their needs are being addressed.

If I'm only looking out for myself, I often don't have the ability to even think about what is going on with others in my Community.

Super simple: If I want any community that I'm a part of to be the best, I need to be a person who is thinking of others and modeling that behavior for everyone.

I wish I wasn't so selfish!

Think of 3 ways you can place others needs above your own in one of the Communities you're a part of.

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love." Brené Brown


It's February and this is the last quote focused on SELF-CARE. You can read this month's posts HERE.

This quote from Brené Brown just hit me this week.

It might be because of all the chaos going on in the world around us.

It might be because of peoples brokenness and the ongoing struggle to just survive some tough circumstances.

Whatever it is, Browns quote here just hit me.

Often, I do the opposite. I'm my biggest critic, and I often whine, beat myself up, push myself and ooze negativity all around me when I fail, when I don't accomplish a goal, when I struggle, when I don't perform, when I fail again. I just rip into myself.

Fortunately, in full disclosure, I'm also able to turn that around and recover. I don't stay there long, and once I recognize what's going on, I'm able to adjust and climb out of the abyss.

I know that for many, you get stuck and have a really hard time getting out.

As we close a month of just talking about different aspects of self-care, I want to encourage you to do what Brené Brown prompts us to do:

"Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love."

Change your tone, give yourself grace, and don't be your constant and loudest critic!

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"We need to do a better job of putting ourselves "He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed." Albert Einstein


It's February and this month I'm going to share some quotes that talk about SELF CARE. You can read this month's posts HERE.

This quote from Einstein hit me the other day. He's talking about our ability to "wonder" at the world, even alluding to the "mystery" that's around us.

However the word that sticks out to me is the word PAUSE.

Pause defined can be this:

"a temporary stop in action or speech; interrupt action or speech briefly"

When was the last time you paused for something

This past weekend, Gina and I were on a walk in our neighborhood and the sky was stunning. We walked and talked about how beautiful it was then we just stopped to look at it. Of course I tried to capture a picture of it which didn't do it justice, but what a sight!

This past weekend, Gina and I were on a walk in our neighborhood and the sky was stunning. We walked and talked about how beautiful it was then we just stopped to look at it. Of course I tried to capture a picture of it which didn't do it justice, but what a sight!

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own 'to do' list." Michelle Obama


It's February and this month I'm going to share some quotes that talk about SELF CARE. You can read this month's posts HERE.

I am constantly chasing my list.

For me, I've learned that there are times that I need to just GET THINGS DONE and the best way to do that is to make a list. I don't live by a list every day, but when I need help in managing the chaos and driving my focus, a list really helps.

I've also learned that when I get into "list mode", often the most pressing things are moved to the top and the most variable things, or the less pressing things are moved to the bottom.

I've also learned that the bottom my list is often very negotiable, while the top of my list is non-negotiable.

Do you get the picture?

We all manage lists differently. Some of you only put things on your list that you need to do... the negotiable items don't even make the list.

All of that aside, Obama's quote here is a simple reminder to each of us in the area of self care that we need to keep putting ourselves ON THE LIST!

  • Don't Continue To Compromise Your Needs!

  • Don't Put Others First All of the Time: Take Care of Yourself.

  • Sometimes, You Need to Fill Your Tank.

  • Out of our Health, We Serve and Love Better!

    This morning, I started the day "making my list" and scheduling the day. It's a full day, a good day, and one I'm looking forward to. Then, I got a note from my son about heading to the gym, right in the middle of my already scheduled day. I had to make a choice: Work my list or Mess up my list in an effort to make myself better and stronger by paying attention to myself.

Many times, I keep working my list.

Today, I went to the gym.

Move yourself up your list! Learn to take care of yourself, you'll last longer and make a bigger impact.

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"No one will take care of you if you don't take care of yourself." Alicia Keys


It's February and this month I'm going to share some quotes that talk about SELF CARE. You can read last months quotes on FOCUS HERE.

I recently saw that Alicia Keys won a "Global Impact Award" at the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, and while I was looking up what that award was,I found this quote from her above.

I'm not sure why these words jumped out at me, but I want to spend the month looking a little deeper into this idea of "SELF CARE" and see if we can learn some things.

While the quote is kind of basic, the idea that our self care being up to us is something we need to be reminded of.

I recently heard a pastor preach out of John 6, and while he was focusing on the storms in life in vs. 16 - 21, I scanned the verse prior to that story, and it simply says this in vs. 15:

"Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself."

Jesus he just fed over 5000 people. People were clamoring to be around him. His disciples were in awe of all that he was doing and saying.

Yet, in the midst of all of this, "Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself."

Jesus had the ability to stop in the midst of a lot of activity and sometimes chaos, and he found time to be alone. Sometimes it was to pray, sometimes it was to rest and sometimes it was simply to get away.

He knew what he needed and he made it happen.

Did you notice the word AGAIN? Jesus made this a habit.

Do you know how to take care of yourself? What does that look like?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"Focus on being productive instead of busy." Tim Ferriss


We're going to finish the quotes on FOCUS this month.

For me, this quote from Tim Ferriss is powerful. There are many ways to say this...

"Learn to say NO"

"It's not what you say YES to that matters, it's what you say NO to."

"If the devil can't make you BAD he'll make you BUSY"

Ferriss is simply reminding us that being busy isn't the goal. It's finding alignment: Vision - Priorities - Goals - Focus... that get us where we need to be.

My son shared the Tim Ferriss book with me, The-4 Hour Work Week, while he was in college. I hadn't followed Ferriss, but I dove into his book which just affirmed some things that were important in my life:

  • The idea that my best results come from about 20% of my efforts (80/20 Principle)

  • The idea that a traditional work schedule doesn't have to be the only way to achieve my goals. If I would learn to work smarter on the most important things, I would achieve my goals faster.

  • The idea of a "lifestyle design" to my life, where I'm not working so I can enjoy my retirement years, I'm working and enjoying life along the way. It's not a deferred plan.

These ideas challenged me, and were backed up in my Kingdom Calling, which is what I believe God has put me on the earth to do!

We often measure peoples success with their level of being busy instead of being effective.

While the tagline of Ferriss' book sounds like it provides a way for you to "work less, travel the world, and get wealthy", the book is really about focus and while all of concepts aren't applicable to everyone, there are some really good thoughts that come out of this that will get you thinking.

How do you use the power of "NO" to keep you focused on your priorities, and not just being busy?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"I don't focus on what I'm up against. I focus on my goals and try to ignore the rest." Venus Williams


We're talking about FOCUS this month.

This quote from the tennis legend Venus Williams is so appropriate for all of us.

I fall prey to this so often... When I'm overwhelmed, I tend to focus on what is coming at me or what seems to be the most urgent instead of staying true to the priorities and goals that I've defined as being the most important.

It's the Tyranny of the Urgent and this is the opposite of FOCUS... it's DISTRACTION.

Here are 3 tips to keep your GOALS in front of you:

#1) Literally, PUT THEM IN FRONT OF YOU.

Print them out, put them in your journal, stick them to your mirror. Be reminded of them regularly simply because you can easily see them.


When you look at the day or week ahead of you, make appointments with yourself to work on your goals. Carve time out and protect it in your schedule. If you don't, it's impossible to move on them!


Invite some people close to you to ask you about your goals, to encourage you with your goals and to hold you accountable. Knowing that someone is going to ask you is the greatest form of accountability!

If you can do this, it's a practical step towards focus as you keep them front and center in your life and schedule, it will make it more difficult to abandon them.

Are you doing any of these three things? Why not all three?

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