stratop facilitation
Russ is a licensed StratOp Facilitator. He uses this proven system to guide businesses, non-profit organizations and churches to greater effectiveness, a clearly defined path forward, and a holistic look at the entire organization.
The StratOp Process is a 3-day engagement that often serves as a reset and launching point for your leadership team.
StratOp is a customized strategic system that will help your business, your organization or your church to:
- Grow in sales, profits, fundraising
- Get your whole team aligned around a single vision
- Equip the team to capture opportunities and maximize potential
- Create a customized plan to move you to success
This proven process, developed over 40 years, has helped hundreds of teams - from startups to billion-dollar organizations.
Russ will use over 25 proven tools to guide you and your team into the 6 phases of the StratOp process:
1. PERSPECTIVE - Where are we now?
2. PLANNING - Where are we headed?
3. ACTION - What's important now?
4. STRUCTURE - What form is needed for success?
5. MANAGEMENT - How are we doing?
6. RENEWAL - What must change?
And we'll get everything onto one page, your "StratOp Plan On A Page."
"StratOp is a SYSTEM, not an EVENT."
If you would like to contact Russ about facilitating a StratOp, write to: