Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ (Copy)


"People will resist change when it's done to them, not with them." Ken Blanchard


This last look at organizational culture this month comes from Ken Blanchard. You can catch up on the past posts HERE.

I was doing some digging into Ken Blanchard and his thoughts on Servant Leadership for next months theme, and I found this quote from him and thought it would end our CULTURE theme this month.

This thought rings so true for any team and any organization who is addressing change, which is all of us.

Often as leaders we focus on communicating change to our people because we've all been told that we don't communicate enough, so we try to overcompensate with straight communication, and this isn't the only thing people want... They also want to be a part of the conversation.

I say "they" but I mean "we". We want to be heard, we want our opinion to matter and we don't mind change as long as it's not a complete surprise. Bring us into the conversation and let us be a part of it.

There are some simple steps you can take to help your team members embrace change, and it's really a Change Management Model which ultimately defines your culture.


Don't surprise people. Talk about it, let them know you're thinking and working towards something.


Give your team an opportunity to feed into the decision and into the change. You'll learn some things that will help you!


Don't drag it on, but when it's time to make the decision, communicate it clearly.


Help people to understand, answer their questions, help them adapt, and reward them for their efforts to dive into the change.


You won't get it all right the first time. Adjust it, respond to your team members, and invite further feedback.

Change comes to us all. How do you develop a culture in your organization that can react and adopt change in a healthy way?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"The only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture." Edgar Schein


We're talking about the importance of organizational culture this month and you can catch up on the past posts HERE.

Today I'm sharing this quote from Edgar Schein (Thanks Connie for the tip and feedback). I've read his theory before but didn't know it came from him. Schein was a business theorist and psychologist who was a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

His quote above really sums up much of what we've been talking about. However, there's another line that is often added to the quote above. It says this:

"The only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture. If you do not manage culture, it manages you, and you may not even be aware of the extent to which this is happening."

O.C. Tanner shares:

"Leaders are the first line of defense for your company culture. They are in charge of living and enforcing your company's values, ideals, and policies. If employees don't see your company's cultural goals embodied in their immediate leaders, your culture will suffer."

Think of some of the organizations you've worked in over the years. Can you articulate the CULTURE?

When you think about that culture, was there someone who was "creating and managing" that culture? Was there someone who was "protecting" that culture?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"If you want to change the culture, you will have to start by changing the organization.” Mary Douglas


Last week I introduced some conversation around CULTURE and I shared Peter Drucker quote HERE.

Today I’m sharing this quote from Mary Douglas, a British anthropologist, and her quote is just profound. I’m sharing this again so you understand how powerful culture is!

Look at this list: Red Flags of a Bad Company Culture

  • You don’t have a list of core values

  • There’s a lot of gossip in the office

  • Unfriendly employee competition

  • Employees are often tardy or absent

  • Employees often work late or don’t take lunch breaks

  • No workplace giving initiatives

  • Little or no hiring from within

  • Public criticism of employees

Do you resonate with any of these?

I love that first one… “you don’t have a list of core values”. This is a huge red flag. What’s worse? Having values and your team and leader don’t live them out!

Culture affects everything and it’s not something you can just FIX. The quote is right… you have to rebuild the organization around the culture you are trying to eliminate or the culture you’re trying to grow.

Have you ever worked in a place that had a TOXIC CULTURE? What was that like for you?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"Culture eats strategy for breakfast." Peter Drucker


Last week, while attending a Board Meeting, someone threw this quote out, and I've been thinking about it over the past few days.

Peter Drucker was an Austrian-American management consultant and he's called the "father of management theory". His writings and thoughts have influenced leaders and organizations for decades and his book, "The Daily Drucker" has been an inspiration for me for years.

I'd like to spend some time talking about Organizational Culture this next month. If you've learned something or seen something, please share it with me. When it comes to this topic, I'm a student, but having been a part of a number of organizations over the past 40 years, I've seen the difference a defined culture can make, and I agree with Drucker that while strategy is important, it's the CULTURE that truly drives an organization.

Patrick Lencioni, in his book, "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" is really addressing CULTURE. I've shared earlier that I wish I had found this book earlier, but once I did, these principles became a staple.

Lencioni teaches that these 5 things contribute to a healthy team and a healthy organization. I encourage you to read the book to get the full context:






When you look at this list, or revisit these 5, which one impacts the CULTURE where you work the most?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"Be a builder, not a destroyer” Unknown


This is our final quote on the theme of ENCOURAGEMENT this month. I hope you've been challenged by some of these quotes and thoughts.

Today to finish, I'm digging deep into the vault.

I have no idea if anyone said this, but it comes from a talk I've given hundreds of times using a hammer as an illustration. I saw someone do this at a camp years ago, and then I took the idea and put my own spin on it, but it's the power of a practical illustration that stuck with me all these years.

The image is of a normal hammer that has 2 sides to it:

The HEAD is used to build things.

The CLAW is used to destroy things.

See the image?

Two sides to the same tool, used for completely different things.

When I ask you the question, "Are you a BUILDER or are you a DESTROYER, just think about what side of the hammer you use more of.

Take this illustration, teach it, remember it, model it, live it.

"So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you'll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you're already doing this; just keep on doing it." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (MSG)

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"Correction does much, but encouragement does more." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


As we continue to look at quotes that talk about ENCOURAGEMENT this month, I want to give you von Goethe's quote and have you think about it.

The quote above talks a little bit about the value of CORRECTION, but it then tells us that ENCOURAGEMENT is better, or does more!

Think about the people that surround you, either in your work, in your community, your family, or just generally in life:

  • How do you bring CORRECTION into those relationships?

  • Are you known as someone who CORRECTS? Do people receive it well?

  • Are you known as an ENCOURAGER?

  • How do people respond when you ENCOURAGE them?

Personally, I respond well to both CORRECTION and ENCOURAGEMENT, if it's delivered in the correct way. Here are some things that make a difference to me:

  • Do I TRUST the person that is sharing with me?

  • Do they CARE about me and want the best for me?

  • Have they EARNED THE RIGHT to speak into my life?

  • Do we have a RELATIONSHIP? A history?

  • Are they focused on things that MATTER? Or just small trivial things?

What makes a difference for you when you're receiving CORRECTION or even ENCOURAGEMENT?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don't know how great you can be!

How much you can love!

What you can accomplish!

And what your potential is." Anne Frank


As I dig through some quotes that talk about ENCOURAGEMENT this month, these words from Anne Frank resonated with me in a couple of ways...

First, she says that "everyone" of us have some good news inside of us. All of us have something we can be positive about, something we can encourage other people with.

Second, it's just that it's simple: people don't know how great they are, and if we want to be encouragers, we need to tell them.

The thing that I am reminded of is this: THE POWER OF WORDS.

We can be used to encourage someone by using our WORDS to speak into their life or we can use our WORDS in a written note or message that speaks truth into them.

Words are free, but they are so powerful!

This past week, a colleague of mine affirmed me. He literally pulled me aside, made me look at him, then he spent about 2 minutes speaking words of encouragement into my life. He was intentional, he was articulate, and I knew he had thought about what he wanted to say.

It was impactful to me and it gave me a boost in my spirit for the rest of the day.

Words matter!

I want to speak powerful words into peoples lives because I know the impact of those words and how it be used to change someones perspective or their reality.

When was the last time someone spoke words of encouragement into your life? Who was it? What did they say? How did it make your feel?

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Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ


"When you encourage others, you, in the process, are encouraged because you're making a commitment and difference in that person's life. Encouragement really does make a difference." Zig Ziglar


I read the quote above from Zig Ziglar, and I've been thinking about the value of encouragement in our lives, and thought I'd spend some time this month camping on this theme.

This quote is not a surprise, but just a profound reminder to us of the value of encouragement. It does make a difference on all sides... when it's delivered, when it's received and when it's observed.

Everyone benefits and it can be either a simple expression or a grand gesture. It makes a difference.

I remember a moment in my own personal leadership development when I was in a leadership role in my university, my senior year of college. I can't remember the situation, but I remember feeling unsure, I remember wondering if I could do the job I had been tasked with doing, and I was thinking about how much happier I had been in my previous role, which carried much less responsibility and pressure. I was overwhelmed.

It was then that a mentor of mine pulled me aside. He actually took me out to dinner, and spent the evening "encouraging me". He listened, he asked questions, he responded, but at some point in the evening, he just looked at me and said something like this:

"Russ, you can do this job. You have the abilities, the passion and the strength to do it. Don't be afraid of it, but embrace it. People will follow you."

At least that's what I heard, and it worked!

I felt empowered and affirmed, I felt that I COULD do the job, and I think just knowing that this Guy believed in me, I was ready to go.

37 years after that conversation, I can still remember it. I remember the restaurant, I remember the conversation, and I remember how it made me feel.

That's the power of ENCOURAGEMENT!

Think of a time when you were encouraged. Where were you? What was said? How did it make your feel?

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