Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Los Angeles)

I'm going to talk about Morning Routine for a couple more weeks then we'll move on.  It's day #11 for me, and I wish I could say that the last week was amazing, but it wasn't. Lot's of interruptions, lack of discipline, and excuses. However, I did work my routine more than the week before.  This is a new week and I've had a great 2 days including some time with Morning Papers and some simply exercise, stretching and prayer.  Don't get caught up in it... Just try to take some time each day.

2 things, then I want to share about a spiritual discipline that is really good.

#1) Next week, I'm talking about COFFEE. For some of you, just that word makes you begin to salivate. For others, it does nothing for you.  If Coffee is a part of your morning routine, tell me what about the experience of coffee is most significant.  Just send me a note HERE and I'll share them with others.

#2) I was reading an article this week by Emma Betuel on changing your body clocks. She shares a couple of simple things to do that can help you "reset your body clock" to get up in the morning..

- Eat breakfast right away when you wake up

- Try to maximize exposure to natural light during waking hours

- Avoid caffeine after 3pm, napping after 4pm and eat dinner before 7pm

- Work out in the morning, not in the afternoon.

Read the whole article HERE. There's some good science to it.

This week, I want to talk about Lectio Divina.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at a retreat, and a few times over the days together we practiced this and it was really good. This isn't new to me. I've seen it, done it and have read about it for years, but like other things, when I get busy, in a hurry or my world is too noisy, this doesn't fit.

At the retreat. it was a simple 10 minute exercise that involved reading a passage of scripture 3 times, thinking about it, identifying some words and thoughts from it, and praying about it.

This past Sunday in church, I was distracted (I'm sure that never happens to you), so instead of trying to figure out what our pastor was saying, I simply read the passage over a couple of times and tried to clear my head to see what the Lord would place on my heart.  Even in a full church of people, I was able to dig deeper into scripture.
A number of you talked about the value of reading the Bible in the morning or doing a devotional book based on scripture.

Here's a simple tool.  Try it. Practice it. Experience it.

To read a great article on Lectio Divina from Bible Gateway, CLICK HERE. This will give you so much more than what I am giving you.

Here's the passage:    Matthew 11:28 - 30   (The Message)


"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."


What stands out to you? What is speaking to you?


Is something convicting you? Ask for guidance or forgiveness.


Just listen to what God has to say to you.

The article I attached explains these 4 steps this way:

Step #1:  Reading is TAKING A BITE OF FOOD.

Step #2: Meditation is CHEWING THE FOOD.

Step #3: Prayer is SAVORING THE FOOD

Step #4: Contemplation is DIGESTING THE FOOD 

The Word of God is POWERFUL. Take some time each day to read, meditate, pray and contemplate what God is saying to you.

If you're not doing this in your MORNING ROUTINE, I encourage you to start.

To read the previous posts on the Morning 

Routine TopicCLICK HERE

Send me your thoughts, ideas, questions  HERE

or comment on the blog post  HERE

There's a new LEAD WITH RUSS

group on the video sharing platform, Marco Polo


"Seek by reading and you will find by meditating. Knock by praying, and it will be opened to you in contemplation."  St. John of the Cross

Source: www.leadermundial.org