It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)
Greetings to you!
Each week I send out a short leadership blog that's called "Tuesday at 2:00pm". The purpose of this is simply to provide a brief thought on leadership that you can read and think about in just a few minutes. I send it out every week at 2:00pm (PST) and encourage you to make an appointment with yourself to pause and think about the thing I'm writing about.
"A vision without a strategy remains an illusion." Lee Bolman
What does this stir up? Either write me HERE or comment at the end of the blog post HERE.
We'll do a couple more quotes on the theme of VISION this month. Click Here to see past posts.
This quote from Lee Bolman reminded me of the importance of a plan, which is critical to move a vision to reality.
There's a e-letter I subscribe to that is called, "Today's 5 Ideas". It comes out once a week, and it's simply 5 random ideas with no action steps attached to it.
In a recent edition, one of the ideas was:
"Old-fashioned typewriters that connect to your computer or phone, so you can type on them and still make digital documents."
I thought back to my typing classes in high school, and I remember the sound of the mechanical typewriter I learned to type on. I love this idea. It's novel, it's different, it connects with a good memory I have from years past, but for me, it's a waste of time and energy.
I thought about this for about 10 seconds, then moved on.
There's no risk in having ideas, In fact there are days that I just write down random ideas that are triggered from conversations or from things I see and hear.
Sometimes, however, I do the same thing with vision. I'll treat it like an idea, and at times I'm focused on it, while at other times, I don't pay much attention to it all all.
The difference for me is simply a PLAN.
For an idea or a vision to become a reality, there needs to be a plan and a strategy to accomplish it.
Bolman was right.... without a strategy, it's just an illusion.
Where do you place yourself on the "IDEA METER": A "1" is you only think about real ideas, things that can become real and actualized. A "10" thinks outside the box and you're comfortable having a bunch of ideas swimming around in your head a the same time. Where do you land?
Some of you are are still stuck on the typewriter idea I mentioned above and you're working on a plan to bring that to market. Good for you!
Others look at that and understand the temptation to chase something that clearly isn't my vision.
Today I want to simply remind you that strategy happens when you take the first step towards accomplishing it... when you make a plan.
There are basic steps involved in making a plan. Most of them include these 5 things:
1) Define Your Goal in Writing
2) Make Sure Your Goals are SMART Goals
3) Identify The Resources You'll Need
4) Prioritize Tasks and Get Some Help
5) Evaluate As You Go And Make Adjustments As Needed
This is basic project management.
I encourage leaders I'm working with to do a couple of things:
1) Prayerfully Define Your Vision: Where is God calling you to and What is He asking you to do? Is this in-line with you? With your organization? With your team? With your values?
2) Define What's Important Now: Define your WINS. This is simply creating priorities and action steps, clarifying them and quatifying them.
3) Evaluate, Celebrate and Re-Ignite the Vision: Keep moving towards that stated goal/vision.
The key in whatever system you use is to create a plan. This takes it from some crazy idea, and makes it real.
Don't be afraid to create your plan and start moving forward. Take that first step towards achievement.
Things I'm Reading, Listening To and Watching This Week:
Things I'm Reading, Listening To and Enjoying This Week:
Five Ideas A Day... Subscribe Here
OK, I always share with Gina gets me watching another home remodeling show... we're watching the new season of Windy City Rehab on HGTV. Of course, now that the Dodgers are in the World Series, this will take a back-seat for a while!
I had my friend John Pearson present a Non-Profit Board seminar this past week for a group of leaders here in Orange County. Incredible content and practical resources. Check out John's website and be sure to subscribe to his Weekly Staff Meeting Newsletter!
Gina and I attended a Peacemaker Ministries event this past week. We're really impressed with their mission and the tools they provide to help people navigate conflict. Be sure to check out their APP.
Best new toy at Perrin's house today (my 2 year old grandson): Green Toys Car Carrier: Cool cars, cool technology, cool style. Pop Pop Approved!