Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)

In this New Year I'm going to continue to explore some leadership quotes that might challenge us, inspire us or remind us of different aspects of the leadership journey. This is part of my personal journey to keep growing, learning and being stretched! Join me each Tuesday at 2:00pm (PST). It will take you just a few minutes to read through the 2 sections of this post, but don't miss the final section where I share some of the things I'm reading, listening to and enjoying this week.

You can find past posts on my website HERE.



"Never limit your vision based on your current resources." Michael Hyatt

What does this stir up? Either write me HERE or comment at the end of the blog post HERE.


This month I want to look at some quotes from Michael Hyatt. I've been following Hyatt for years and he continues to develop resources to help leaders succeed in both life and leadership! I encourage you to learn more about what is offered at Full Focus.

This quote is a great place to start. It's a powerful thought about limitations, vision and opportunity!

Often in life we begin to dream from a position of "what's possible". We then build out vision that is easy, attainable and expected.

This quote should challenge us to think bigger! When we're not limited to our perceived reality, we're able to ask different questions:

  • What is my greatest contribution?

  • What am I dreaming about?

  • What is the greatest need that I've been equipped to meet?

  • If I could do anything, what would that be?

All of these questions are asked during a LifePlan process, but they should also be asked at any point that we're creating goals, vision or making plans.

Don't be limited by your perceived reality! Think bigger, then bring it back to what's within your reach.


I love that story in Matthew 14 when Jesus tells his disciples to feed the mob of people. Their response in verse 17 is this: "We have only five loaves here and two fish." They were saying basically, this isn't possible.

Then Jesus.....

He showed up and miraculously fed all these people, even to a point of having food left over.

This is what He does, yet we often limit him by our faith, our lack of belief and our fear.

Today, just think a little bit about the ways you are limiting God's vision for you and your future? What is keeping you from trusting Him fully?


Things I'm Reading, Listening To and Watching This Week:

  • Find out more about Michael Hyatt & Full Focus

  • Last night Gina and I had a great date night... rode bikes to the beach, sat on the sand and listened through the fence to the Foo Fighters in concert at a local festival. One of my favorite songs... Time Like These. Now that was a good date!

  • This past week I was introduced to Thinq Media at a study at our church. Really interested content that's available on a wide range of topics. Check it out.

  • The timeless Eric Clapton Essentials on Apple. What a great playlist and crazy guitar!

  • I finally finished the Gray Man Series by Mark Greaney. 12 books and it was an adventure spy thriller! I need to take a break!

Source: www.leadermundial.org