Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)

In this New Year I'm going to continue to explore some leadership quotes that might challenge us, inspire us or remind us of different aspects of the leadership journey. This is part of my personal journey to keep growing, learning and being stretched! Join me each Tuesday at 2:00pm (PST). It will take you just a few minutes to read through the 2 sections of this post, but don't miss the final section where I share some of the things I'm reading, listening to and enjoying this week.

You can find past posts on my website HERE.



"What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do." Tim Ferriss

What does this stir up? Either write me HERE or comment at the end of the blog post HERE.


I've been following Tim Ferriss for a number of years, primarily through a couple of his books and his podcast. I don't listen to every podcast, but I've enjoyed many as he interviews a wide variety of people and asks questions of productivity, performance and many times really interesting conversations. He did a Ted Talk entitled "Why you should define your fears instead of your goals."

This quote is a theme Ferriss drives. He often asks people about their fear, and that leads to the conversation around performance & productivity.

This quote is true for me. Often the thing I fear, or the thing I put off the longest is the thing I need to do the most.

I remember a time that I was called on to speak in front of a group of people. It wasn't planned, and I was asked to step in at the last minute. I had about 10 minutes of pure PANIC. I think that's what fear feels like for me... that idea of being completely out of control, and unsure of what will happen.

10 minutes of panic.

But, the second I stood up in front, the fear and panic went away, and I had a peace that just filled me. I enjoyed the presentation, and think I did OK, but I Iearned a lesson at that moment:

Fear is temporary. As soon as you face your fear, you're able to move through it, hopefully quickly.

What does the word FEAR bring up for you? What does it stir?


The Bible speaks of fear over 330 times, depending on the translation. The theme is clearly an issue and God continually reminds us to "not be afraid".

The story in Matthew 14 of Jesus and Peter walking on the water is a great reminder to me.

We read in verse 26 that the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water and they "cried out in fear".

Jesus' response... "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Peter's response... Then I want to be with you on the water, and he walked to Jesus.

This is often how I respond to fear:

First response, I CRY OUT IN FEAR:PANIC

Second response, I REALIZE I'M NOT ALONE


Fourth response, I'M REMINDED THAT HE IS GOD. Why should I fear?

Ferriss in his quote is simply reminding us to not let fear paralyze us and keep us from doing what we need to do.

Jesus has been doing that my whole life.

What are you afraid of?


Things I'm Reading, Listening To and Watching This Week:

Source: www.leadermundial.org