Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)

Greetings to you!

Each week I send out a short leadership blog that's called "Tuesday at 2:00pm". The purpose of this is simply to provide a brief thought on leadership that you can read and think about in just a few minutes. I send it out every week at 2:00pm (PST) and encourage you to make an appointment with yourself to pause and think about the thing I'm writing about.



"If you can't fly then run,

if you can't run then walk,

if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do...

keep moving forward."

Martin Luther King Jr.

What does this stir up? Either write me HERE or comment at the end of the blog post HERE.


In the U.S., we celebrated the life of Martin Luther King Jr. yesterday on the 15th of January. King is celebrated as a leader in the civil rights movement in the United States, and he faced many obstacles in his life but he inspired change in everything he did.

The famous quote above is a tribute to his perseverence and his focus to keep moving forward no matter what things get in your way.

Maybe as we hit the middle of January in 2024, you are seeing some things get in the way of what you want to accomplish this month or this year. The temptation to quit or to fall back is pulling on you and even though you started the New Year 2 weeks ago with a desire to do great things, today you're discouraged, you're tired and you're wanting to rewrite the script.

Read those words again, and define what it looks like for you to keep moving forward!


I've been sharing a few of the basic tools I use when I do a LifePlan with someone. In a normal LifePlan, there are 22 different tools that help to define perspective and help you to figure out what is most important now. I'm sharing just a couple of them this month with you, but when you put the 22 tools together, it creates a powerful roadmap to the future you are creating and being called into.

I talk about obstacles above and Martin Luther's quote on perseverence.

One of the tools we use is called a RISK PYRAMID and the purpose of this tool is to help you identify and measure risk before it hits you.

We don't pay attention to risk sometimes unless it's right in front of us.

Here's the tool:

Last week we talked about creating a glimpse of your FUTURE by creating a series of vision statements about different aspects of your life. You can read the full post HERE. The risk assessment is identifying things that might keep you from fulfilling that vision. They can be internal risks (things you control) or external risks (things you can't control), but they need to be identified and evaluated.

  • On a blank sheet of paper, identify at least 10 real risks that might keep you from your goals.

  • Prioritize them and choose the top 6. Define them.

  • Evaluate them: Are they HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW risk?

  • Create an action list around the things you can do to mitigate those risks or address those risks.

  • Revisit and refresh that list of risks as they are addressed.

Here's the reality: We all face risk, and there are always things that can keep us from doing what we want to do.

Here's one example of an internal risk and an external risk in my life:

  • I want to continue Coaching Global Leaders as my life progresses.

  • An INTERNAL RISK is if I'm not being coached myself, I don't have as much to offer others. I need a coach in my life always, and if I don't have one, there's a risk that I'll be less relevant. Action step: Have a Coach.

  • An EXTERNAL RISK is I want to travel to Ecuador to meet with leaders, however things are politically unstable right now so I need to wait for things to settle down. I can come up with other options, I can go someplace else, but I also need to monitor what's happening so that when things are clear, I can pursue my plan. Action step: Monitor and pray about the situation. I can't control it at all.

What risks have the potential to derail you from the goals and plans you are working towards and feeling called to?


Things I'm Reading, Listening To and Watching This Week:

  • I'm still reading this book, Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara. There is great application to my life and work coming from these pages. I'll keep reading!

  • While waiting for the next podcast on SPACE from Harbor Ministries, I've enjoyed going back and listening to a number of these again. It's a great way to live scripture and focus on something specific. Check it out!

  • I used this Tire Inflator Portable Air Compressor twice this week. Worth the cost!

  • The Eagles (my all-time favorite Classic Rock Band) is on their Long Goodbye Tour and it's billed as their "final tour". I'm hoping they'll tour again, but I always enjoy their Essential Album on Apple. It takes me back to so many moments in my life!

  • The other night we played a Cline Classic Game.... Dutch Blitz. It's a great game and it's addicting! You might remember the other classic game NERTZ, well now there's an app for your phone: Nertz JD. Thanks alot Sam!

Source: www.leadermundial.org