Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)

When I graduated from High School, I remember thinking to myself, "what else do I need to learn?" I went to college and spent 4 years learning in the classroom, and learning even more outside the classroom, and at graduation I breathed a sigh of relief: "I was done learning!" I then spent close to a decade completing my Masters, and when I finished I said, "OK, now I'm really done!"

Here's something I learned about myself through over 25 years of formal education:

I like to learn.

I'm challenged by new things. I know I don't have it all figured out. I like to hear others perspectives and experiences. I like to learn.

Years ago I had some "space" in my schedule and I wanted to do something that I had never done before, so I started an on-line coffee business. I didn't know how to do it, so I learned. From the website to the business license to the coffee roaster to the order fulfillment, it was a challenge and it involved a lot of learning.

Mundo Coffees was born!

Then, just a short time after it was up and running, I let it die. I didn't start it to run a business. I started it to learn something new, and I was able to drink a lot of great coffee while I learned.

Today I want to answer the question, WHY I LEARN?

Forbes Magazine published an article entitled, "Why The Best Leaders Are Full-Time Learners". In the article, Kelsey Meyer identifies 5 ways to continue to learn:

#1) READ "Read the opinions of others, and discover the ways in which you agree or disagree."

#2) LISTEN "Listening to podcasts is another great way to learn. You'll learn about everything from bug drones to how to end a text conversation."

#3) ENGAGE "Engaging in presentations, specifically question-and-answer sessions, is my favorite learning practice."

#4) ACT "Challenge yourself - and your team - to attend a new workshop or class once a quarter. Choose skills that are completely outside of your function."

#5) RELEARN "Nothing sticks forever, so relearning can be an extremely valuable activity when you find yourself losing a few of your finely tuned skills."

There are many other ways to learn, but these are the five that were highlighted in the article.

Let me tell you Why I Learn:

  • When I Learn.... I'm challenged to think outside of my comfort zone. I have to work and look for the answers and the solutions.

  • When I Learn... I'm reminded that I don't have all of the answers. There are people from all perspectives, experiences and walks of life that I can learn from, and sometimes I get a little too full of myself.

  • When I Learn... I'm better. Discovering new things excites me and motivates me.

  • When I Learn... I'm more equipped to engage in diverse conversations and I have more to share and contribute because I'm a part of the conversation.

  • When I Learn...I listen better because I don't want to miss something important.

I have some teachers from my past that I'm so grateful to, and I have a crowd of people that have taught me lesson after lesson over my years of life. I'm thankful for Gina who challenges me and encourages me to learn.

This past weekend, we were in the midst of a deep and troubling conversation about the state of our world and I was challenged to think differently, and I realized how stubborn I can be with my views and perspective. It rattled me and has caused me to rethink my position. I'm thankful for that, and I'm thankful for Rheanna and David for pushing and challenging me.

I want to be a learner.

One thing I know for sure and that is that I don't know it all.

I'm a better leader when I'm an active learner.

What have you been learning over the past days, weeks and months?

Don't miss the lessons all around you.

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other" John F. Kennedy

"All leaders are learners. The moment you stop learning, you stop leading. I learn as much as I can, from as many as I can, as often as I can." Rick Warren

"I'm still learning." Michelangelo at age 87

Source: www.leadermundial.org