Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)

We learn by watching others.

I remember when I was learning how to play the drums as a kid, I would watch people play and I would try to mimic them. I wanted to look like them, sound like them, and play like them. I spent hours watching and listening to others, and some of that rubbed off on my drum playing. I got better!

Yesterday, I watched my 82-year old father preach at his church. I watched virtually, but Gina and I commented about how many messages we've watched him give over our years. I have shaped my style of communication from watching my dad and doing many of the things I think he has done and continues to do with his communication.

We learn by watching others.

It's because of this that I've asked you to share some things that have helped you along your leadership journey. Today, I have a conversation with Ty who I've had the privilege to journey with over the years in a couple of different locations and events.

Here's an 11-minute conversation with Ty:

Ty shares 2 things that will challenge you:

"Why I Cycle"

  1. In 2003 (when I was 40 years old and living in Quito), a friend challenged me to join him climbing Cotopaxi (a 19,247 summit in Ecuador). I was a good part of the way down the path to a left knee replacement at that point, but could still hike. However, I had no way to really train for the challenge since I couldn’t run. But I thought I might be able to try cycling…so, I bought a bike and took up cycling for aerobic fitness training to climb Cotopaxi. And I’ve never stopped.

  2. What I discovered was that the benefits of being aerobically fit make doing everything in life better and more productive, especially as I’m traveling on mission and engaging in whatever adventures the Lord throws my way. It feels good to be reasonably fit. I sleep better, I feel better, and I am pretty healthy. And cycling also creates a way to connect with people wherever I live so I can build relationships and be salt and light in someone’s life.

  3. I ride my road bike pretty vigorously an average of 3-4 times per week for a total of 5-6 hours, and it’s a delight…usually. The endorphin hits and stress relief are invaluable.

"Why I Collaborate"

  1. Since becoming a follower of Jesus, I have observed how little His people collaborate…especially churches and other organizations (even missions). It’s weird because Jesus seems to place a pretty high value on unity and humble interdependence in the body. So, why don’t we collaborate more? There are dozens of pithy quips about the value of collaboration, but the tip is simple: collaboration -- just do it.

  2. The difference collaboration makes in my life is fruitfulness, productivity and relationship. Let’s face it…being on mission is a long-term endeavor and collaboration is the key to impact over the long haul. Someone has said: if you want to go fast, go alone…if you want to go far, go with others.

  3. I keep collaboration as a key concept in my mind at work at all times. In every project and even activity, I seek to collaborate. At every conference or encounter with new people, I look for collaborators. I ask for help, and I seek ways I can help others. It probably helps that I am naturally wired for collaboration, but I believe it is something all of us can emphasize and pursue (and it is becoming more important to more people all the time).

Ty, thank you for sharing these 2 things that I'll call "Leadership Hacks". The value of being healthy and in shape radically affects our ability to carry the demands of leadership. You're shout out to the value of true collaboration is a great reminder to us to quit competing with others that are trying to impact the world and build the Kingdom. It's not about "MY KINGDOM", it's about His! Great challenge.

I'm looking for others willing to share some of their tips, tricks, habits and LEADERSHIP HACKS.

Here's the format:

#1) What Did You Discover? What's the TIP?

#2) Why Does It Make a Difference In Your Life?

#3) Describe What You Do.

E-mail me HERE if you'd like to share on this platform.

"Life is like riding a bicycle, to stay balanced you must keep moving" Albert Einstein

"Competition makes us faster; Collaboration makes us better." Author Unknown

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams

Source: www.leadermundial.org