Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)

All of our past posts have been placed HERE if you want to go back and read one.

I may be the only one dealing with stress here, but this past week has been an ongoing lesson. 

First, as I shared with you last week, I have identified that there's some stress in my life and it affects me in many ways.

Second, for some reason, I've come face-to-face with the impact of stress this week through a book I'm reading, through a podcast my wife shared with me and through some strategic conversation with people that are experiencing some of the same things.

I don't want to rush to the solution.

Here are some things I'm continuing to learn:

*Did you know that between 75% and 90% of all doctors visits are for issues related to STRESS?


- Tiredness

- Insomnia or issues sleeping

- Headaches

- Chest pain

- Muscle aches

- Lower libido

- Appetite changes


- More outward anger

- Abuse of tobacco, drugs or alcohol

- Overeating or under eating

- Fewer social interactions, more arguments

- Less exercise


- Stress is a major trigger for people with anxiety problems, and the two can combine to create a vicious cycle where each makes the other worse. People with high levels of stress might have a quicker trigger from frustration, or become irritable much more easily.


- High blood pressure

- Headaches

- Stomach ulcers and other stomach issues

- Chest pain

- Chronic insomnia

- Diabetes

- Obesity


Is this list enough to cause you concern?

Do you identify with things here as being symptoms you see in your life today?

Next week I want to share some solutions, but today, take a deep breath. Take another deep breath.

Remember this verse I shared last week:

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."  Matthew 11 (MSG)

To read the previous posts CLICK HERE

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Source: www.leadermundial.org