Russ' Friday Five

Five Things I Want To Share With You Today...

#1) A great quote from Lily Tomlin: "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat."  What do you think about that?

#2) Let's talk about SLEEP.  Here's a great article by Sydney Loney on how Social Meeting is ruining your sleep:  CLICK HERE


#3) Tom Rath wrote a great book entitled, "EAT, MOVE, SLEEP"   It's a really simple book with some great reminders, tips, and encouragement to address these three areas of your life. Check out the book!  CLICK HERE

#4)  Tim Ferriss shares a podcast entitled, "Tools and Tips for Better Sleep" where in interviews a number of people on tips and ideas around better sleep. Lot's of good information and science here!  Check it out HERE

#5) Lastly, when I facilitate a LifePlan, part of the conversation is around "Replenishment Cycles", basically identifying the things that "refill you". I've found that when I take care of myself (physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual), I feel better, I sleep better, I live better. If you'd like to walk through the LifePlan process, contact me!

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