Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)

Time today for a simple CHECK UP.

Please answer the following questions to yourself in complete honesty:

#1) How do you FEEL today? Are you tired? Weary? Worn out? Or do you feel pretty good today?

#2) When was your last DAY OFF? Whether it was a focused sabbath day or just a relaxing day away from work? When was it? What did you do?

#3) When was the last time you did something PHYSICALLY to push yourself? Exercise, stretching, a long walk/run, just something physical that was challenging?

#4) When was the last time you took time to simple find SPACE? Time to pray, journal, read the Bible, think, dream? When was it and how long did you have?

#5) When was the last time you spent time with people that were LIFE GIVING? People that fill you up more than they take from you. What did you do?

We've been talking about SPACE, PRODUCTIVITY, and MORNING ROUTINES for the past couple of months. I didn't want to keep moving on without simply asking you some questions and have you honestly consider how you're doing.

How did you do? Are there areas you need to work on? What are you going to do TODAY to move towards where you want to be?

I'm having a good day today. I'm taking some much-needed time off over the next few weeks to work on some home projects and to recover from a lot of travel. I've found time to exercise, to eat right, to sleep, to do some replenishing activities, and to connect with the people I love. It's a good day!

Here's something I've been thinking about for the past 2 days:

When I'm in WORK MODE, full productivity, full engagement, I work hard to manage my schedule, work my to-do-lists, and get things done.

This past weekend, I looked at the week ahead of me, and a pretty clear schedule, and I thought it looks great. Then I realized that if I wasn't intentional even in my DOWN TIME, I would allow things to creep in that would take me off track.

Yesterday, I scheduled my week.

I listed the things I wanted to accomplish this week, which includes yard work, time at the gym, a couple of projects at work, and communication with some leaders I'm working with. I filled my schedule in order to manage my week.

Today when I woke up, I enjoyed some SPACE, I enjoyed some EXERCISE, I did a couple of PROJECTS in the yard, and I have a number of things to do today, including writing this note.

Here's the reminder: If you're not intentional with your time, you'll lose it!

I want you to know, when I'm on vacation, or when I block a couple of days off, I don't schedule every minute of the day. But this week, it's a blend of some work, some play, some projects, some calls. I needed to block, schedule, prioritize and make the most of this week.

It's OK to be intentional with your time. I want to manage it and use it wisely!

Figure out what is important, then make the time for it!

"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Stephen Covey

"It's not enough to be busy. The question is: What are we busy about?" Henry David Thoreau

Source: www.leadermundial.org