Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)

Are You Willing To Do What It Takes?

In a recent conversation with my youngest daughter, this question came up: "Are you willing to do what it takes to pursue your dream?" We were talking about grad school, work, transition, and all kinds of things, and when she replied that she was willing to do what it takes to chase her goals, I knew that she would succeed in reaching them.

That's a loaded question: Are you willing to do what it takes?

- This causes us to evaluate our goals and our dreams.

- This causes us to evaluate our ability to stick with something long enough to achieve it.

- This causes us to build our own confidence so we can actually do it.

I'm reminded of the classic story from 1 Samuel, when David is standing at the front lines with the Israelites, and they're facing the giant Goliath. It looked bad. The army had lost heart. They had been at it for a long time. There was no hope in sight.

Then, this child, someones younger brother, shows up and he states in 1 Samuel 17: "Let no man's heart fail because of him. Your servant will go and fight with this Philistine."

- David had a crazy confidence not in himself, but in the God he served.

- David was willing to say YES when everyone else was saying NO.

- David knew what he was going to achieve, and he didn't let anyone talk him out of it.

He was WILLING. What about you?

Are you willing to do what it takes? Are there things that you dream about, but you just can't make the decision to go after them? Are there things you'd like to do that you keep putting off over and over again? Are you distracted by some really good things that keep you from doing the really GREAT things?

Here are 3 questions that come from the book, "The ABC's of Global Leadership"and the chapter on being willing:

#1) Do you wait for others to respond first?

When you're willing, you respond first. Don't wait for others. If there's something to do that needs to be done, do it. Don't over evaluate it and don't assume someone else will do it. You do it!

#2) Do you blame others for not responding?

We can spend a lot of time and energy blaming others and complaining that others aren't doing their share. Don't fall into this trap. Lead by example, even when the task is not your job. Others will follow.

#3) Are you afraid?

Fear has a way of paralyzing us. It keeps us from doing things that we know we should be doing. Learn to identify fear in your life and don't let it keep you from moving. When fear comes, talk it through. Identify where it's coming from, if it's rational and what you should do about it.

Today you might be on the fence over a decision, a direction or a crisis. I don't know what you're facing.

Are you willing to do what it takes to get through it?

Don't be afraid to do the hard work needed to reach your goals.

*And Ray, don't forget that you're never alone. He is with you and you have an army of people standing around you cheering for you, praying for you and celebrating with you!

"Being willing makes you able." Rhonda Britten

"If you want to change, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable."

Source: www.leadermundial.org