Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)


We've been talking about steps in the "Start-Up Process" and simply being reminded of the value of each of these stages of development. You can see the past 6 or 7 posts about this HERE.

Before we move further into the execution phase I wanted to add this one today.

"Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself"

Even though Ice Cube coined this phrase back in 1992, I'm going to quote my friend Ryan Daffron who challenged leaders with this thought in this video HERE.

I was facilitating a LifePlan this week, and one of the tools we process is simply called "The Replenishment Cycle". I've become a follower of this train of thought from Peter Drucker when he said: "Great leaders learn to lead themselves really well."

The idea behind understanding replenishment is this:

  • Learning to manage our ENERGY is more important than just managing our TIME.

  • As leaders, we need to learn what GIVES US ENERGY and what REFUELS US.

  • We must incorporate these life-giving rhythms into our lives on a regular basis in order to be our best, to stay in leadership long-term, and to be able to serve and lead well.

If we spend time only focusing on the important steps in launching a new work or building an organization or company, and we don't talk about managing the energy of a leader, disaster will strike!

Leaders need to be the best versions of themselves that they can be, and this takes work!

Here are the action steps:

  • Identify what it is in your life that is "life-giving", or that "gives you energy".

  • Define it and quantify it. Example: I need to exercise at least 4 days a week for 20 minutes each time in order to feel my best and have the strength to do the tasks I'm challenged with. It's defined and quantified.

  • Ask yourself why you're NOT doing these things regularly what's keeping you from them.

  • Develop a plan and communicate that plan to people around you. Example: share with your spouse why having 30 minutes of "solo time" each day provides you the space to think, process, and dream, and then work together on finding the best time and place to make that happen. Get help from those around you. When they see the difference these things make in your life, they will cheer you on and celebrate with you.

  • Do It. Do the things you have defined are important that bring you life, energy, renew your passion and focus, and bring you to health. "Just Do It"

Jim Burns shared this year ago: Leaders "fall or fail" out of leadership for 2 basic reasons. First, they don't know what to do. Second, they burn out.

Take care of yourself. This isn't selfish behavior; this is self-preservation behavior.

"Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself" Ice Cube (Ryan Daffron)

"What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body." Caroline Myss

"I have come that they may have LIFE and that they may have it ore abundantly." John 10:10

  • Things I'm Reading, Listening To, an Watching This Week:

    • Gina and I saw U2 at the Los Angeles Coliseum when U2 did The Joshua Tree Tour. Crazy Times, Incredible Music!

    • In the book, "Good Company", Arthur M. Blank talks about how to build a "values driven company" as he shares his story. Blank is the cofounder of Home Depot.

    • We watched an interesting pilot the other day with this show entitled Ted Lasso. We're interested to watch more of this Jason Sudeikis series with some cross-cultural lessons.

    • Sorry for this one, but for years I've been whining about my cordless drill and how totally useless it has been on some projects I've been working on. Finally pulled the trigger on this KIT and was amazed at how much of a difference it made!

    • I've been reading Morning Brew, a daily business newsletter over the past week. Interesting stories and news and it's free!

    • Homeword: Helping Families Succeed.

Source: www.leadermundial.org