It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)
We're exploring some great quotes that will help us in our lives and leadership. If you'd like to share your favorite with me, please post on the comments section of the Blog. You can read these past posts HERE.
The format for this season is the following:
#1) LEADERSHIP QUOTE: I'm going to share a quote with you. I'd like to encourage you to think about it, respond to it, process it. You can stop here, or go to Section 2.
#2) A LITTLE BIT DEEPER: I'm going to share a couple of thoughts that come to my mind when I think about the quote. Just a short reaction from me. You can stop here, or go to Section 3.
#3) DEEPER STILL: I'm going to share something I've found from someone else: A quote, some tips, a challenge, a thought....
#4) RUSS' LIST: I'll continue to share some links, ideas, books or products that I think some of you might benefit from.
"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Paul, Philippians 4:13
What does this stir up? Either write me HERE or comment at the end of the blog post HERE.
Our pastor is leading us through a study of Philippians, and yesterday we were in Philippians chapter 4, and this verse jumped out at me.
I've heard this passage, I've preached this passage, and it's one of the most quoted scriptures in the Bible, however yesterday I was challenged to think of it in the context of contentment.
In the USA, we're celebrating Thanksgiving this week, and we often pause to give thanks to God for all He's done, all He's provided, and all He promises to do. It's a reminder to us to have an attitude of gratitude, and I really enjoy this season and focusing on being thankful instead of being anxious about what's to come!
Paul also, in the book of Philippians, just pauses in this text where he's talking about the good and the bad, the highs and the lows, and he drops this statement to refocus us. In the Message Translation, it reads:
"Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am."
As we give thanks, we have to give thanks to God for His provision, His faithfulness and his love. Paul takes it as step further... he's not only thankful for what he has, but he's thankful to Christ for EVERYTHING: What I have, Where I Am, Who I am
I don't know what your practice is around being thankful, but today, I want to simply encourage you to find 20 minutes by yourself, pull out your journal, a notebook, or a scrap of paper, and make your list.
Don't just focus on the things you have, but look at every aspect of your life: Who you are, Where you are, Whose you are, What you have, What you've been given.
Something happens when you put these ideas down on paper. It's an immediate reminder to be thankful, but it also brings you full circle back to the conversation Paul was having in the book of Philippians as he talks about the fact that contentment doesn't come from what you have, it comes from what Christ has done inside of you.
Be thankful, but don't forget to thank Him who has given you everything.
Things I'm Reading, Listening To and Watching This Week:
Jim Burns Blog Post on How to Put Thanks Back Into Thanksgiving.
I enjoyed listening to Bob Dylan this past week with his Essentials Album on Apple
A number of people asked me about Evernote. I continue to learn more about how to use this. You can see some great YouTube tutorials from Carl Pullein. He has a number of training videos that will help you with Evernote and your application.
For you in Southern California, you should think about a smoked turkey from Matterns Sausage & Deli in Orange, California. Unbelievably good... Thanks again Mario & Peggy!
This past week, The Barnabas Group hosted a seminar with John Pearson entitled "The 4 Big Mistakes to Avoid with your Nonprofit Board". It was a great presentation. John co-wrote this book with Dan Busby and it's a great resource for anyone leading a board: ECFA Tools and Templates for Effective Board Governance. I highly recommend it!