Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)

In this New Year I'm going to continue to explore some leadership quotes that might challenge us, inspire us or remind us of different aspects of the leadership journey. This is part of my personal journey to keep growing, learning and being stretched! Join me each Tuesday at 2:00pm (PST). It will take you just a few minutes to read through the 2 sections of this post, but don't miss the final section where I share some of the things I'm reading, listening to and enjoying this week.

I also invite you to share your favorite quote with a short description of "why it's your favorite". Simply send it to me HERE and I'll post it in an upcoming Tuesday at 2:00pm.

You can find past posts on my website HERE.



“The habits you repeat every day largely determine your health, wealth & happiness.” James Clear

What does this stir up? Either write me HERE or comment at the end of the blog post HERE.


I've talked about the book by James Clear in the past, Atomic Habits. I'm going to read this book again in the month of February and I thought I'd bring you along with me by sharing a few of his quotes & thoughts.

The first time I read his book, I was challenged by his simple and forgiving approach to creating habits.

I had always been taught and challenged to think of habits as something that requires fierce discipline and would only succeed if I'm 100% committed to accomplishing them.

Developing habits do require discipline and commitment, but Clear makes this simple and attainable by simply challenging us to take some baby steps and create some habits that we can build on.

His approach makes goals much more realistic and attainable, at least for me.

Think about some habits or goals you're working on. It's now the end of January... what has contributed to your success or failure?


OK, I want to invite you to "COME ALONG WITH ME FOR A 28 DAY RIDE".

I encourage you to pick up this book and read it as it will make much more sense if you're following me this month, but I'll share the 4 simple ideas that come from the book over the next 4 weeks, and I invite you to join me in trying this out in one area of your life.

In Atomic Habits, the first rule Clear talks about in creating habits is to simply: MAKE IT OBVIOUS.

He says: "Write down your daily habits and take note if it is a good, bad or neutral habit. Be specific about what you want to change. Stack you habits to trigger your new habits, for example, when you change out of your work clothes you put on your gym clothes."

Here's the challenge: Choose ONE THING to work on this month, and start by making it obvious.

Here's Russ' Habit for February:

*I want to use my rowing machine a minimum of 5 minutes a day for the next 28 days.

*Background: I love my rower, but I'm "hot and cold" on it. I'll row for 30 minutes one day, then I won't use it again for a week. I want to develop a daily habit, and sometimes I feel that 5 minutes doesn't do anything. I want to break that thought by doing this daily for 28 days.

*I'm going to succeed by: Putting the rower down and having it ready in my home office. I'm going to update the software to track my use and I'm going to write it on my daily calendar and schedule it.

*Lastly, I'm going to report each week to you how many minutes a day I row, and this will provide me some accountability.

Join Me! If you have a habit you want to nurture and develop, share with me: what it is, but the reason behind it is, how you'll succeed, and what kind of accountability you'll create to help you. I'll share some of these as a way to encourage others along the way.


Things I'm Reading, Listening To and Watching This Week:

  • Read Atomic Habits or listen to it. It's an encouraging book about change, habits and results!

  • On a recent flight I downloaded Elton John's Live Farewell Concert from Dodger Stadium. What an incredible show and great music!

  • I use 2 tools daily to help me manage my life, projects and schedule: todoist and Evernote. There are many great tools out there that can help you be more effective!

  • I'll continue to endorse this book by John Eldredge called "Resilient" as I work through it again and use the Pause App for a deeper dive into resilience with some daily practices.

  • I don't travel like I used to, but for years I've used this CityLink Wheeled Backpack from Ebags. I love their products and have a couple of computer bags and backpacks from them.

FEATURED GUEST QUOTE: If you have a quote you'd like to share with the readers of this blog, simply send me the quote, who wrote it, and share what it means to you in a few words. I'll post it when there's space!

Email me HERE

Source: www.leadermundial.org