It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)
We're exploring some great quotes that will help us in our lives and leadership. If you'd like to share your favorite with me, please post on the comments section of the Blog. You can read these past posts HERE.
The format for this season is the following:
#1) LEADERSHIP QUOTE: I'm going to share a quote with you. I'd like to encourage you to think about it, respond to it, process it. You can stop here, or go to Section 2.
#2) A LITTLE BIT DEEPER: I'm going to share a couple of thoughts that come to my mind when I think about the quote. Just a short reaction from me. You can stop here, or go to Section 3.
#3) DEEPER STILL: I'm going to share something I've found from someone else: A quote, some tips, a challenge, a thought....
#4) RUSS' LIST: I'll continue to share some links, ideas, books or products that I think some of you might benefit from.
"Our grand business undoubtedly is, not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand." Thomas Carlyle
What does this stir up? Either write me HERE or comment at the end of the blog post HERE.
I was doing a LifePlan this past week with a young leader, and we get to a point in the 2-day conversation where we look at the 20 charts that are filled with her life all over the walls of my office, and I ask the question: "What's Important Now?"
We've already talked about her vision for 10 years from now. We've already talked about her dreams and opportunities, but I believe the most important part of the engagement is this moment when we define 7 - 10 action steps and we chart them, we break them down, we evaluate them, and then we schedule them.
She walks away with clarity knowing that if she works towards these 9 things over the next 3 months, it's going to move her closer to her dream and her vision. These are her WINS (What's Important Now) and they will bring clarity!
The words of this Scottish Philosopher are great words for us today. Carlyle knows the importance of focusing on the WINS in front of us.
It's January 11th, and you might be overwhelmed by all that you are hoping to accomplish this first month of the year, and you've already experienced failure, frustration and fatigue. STOP! Focus on the wins.
I shared with you my desire to focus on these 3 words for a while. This concept of "What's Important Now" actually touches on all three of them.
Dave Ramsey talks about goals in his book, EntreLeadership and he talks about the idea that GOALS are simply your VISION IN BITE-SIZED CHUNKS.
That's a great picture isn't it? Every goal you have is moving you towards your vision! You don't have to accomplish everything at once, but you need to be moving towards it.
Today, I want to challenge you to focus on your WINS. Identify the things that are truly important for you to do today. This also means that you'll decide to NOT DO some things that can be put off, or abandoned all together.
In the words of Jackson Browne & Glenn Frey, "Take It Easy". You don't have to do everything today!
Things I'm Reading, Listening To and Watching This Week:
This past weekend, Gina and I participated in a marriage weekend called DreamMaster Weekend with Between Two Trees. It was a great time to talk about our dreams as a couple! Check them out.
Dave Ramsey has some great tools for leaders. While he's known for being the "Money Guy", his book EntreLeadership is a great read. On the money side, Gina and I use the Every Dollar App for our monthly budgeting.
I finished reading the book Atomic Habits, and then started reading Win The Day by Mark Batterson. Both books focus on habits, which I realize is something I'm being stretched with right now.
I've been reading this past week daily using the YouVersion Bible App on my phone. I'm doing a Through the Bible: Exodus study, and enjoying walking through the Exodus story again a day at a time.
I enjoyed listening to Michael McDonald Essentials this week on Apple Music. Great voice and music from the Doobie Brothers and Beyond!